So for those of you who are wondering, no we have not fallen off the face of the Earth. The last week or so has been a whirlwind of racing from one thing to another. I taught Vacation Bible School at our church each night, took care of Miller {who is cutting two teeth right now and is pitiful} during the day, got ready for Father's Day, somehow managed to keep up on the normal household tasks, and got everything ready for a friend to watch Miller on Friday and Daddy to keep him overnight while I went on a girls' trip {more on that to come}. Whew. The weekend has continued to be busy and I am just now getting a chance to catch up on my blogging. In fact, even as I type this I've had to stop about five times and so it's taken me about four hours to get this far. This may take a while. I started to feel a bit overwhelmed when I plugged my camera into my computer and found that I had 402 pictures {literally} to upload and thus several events to blog about. Thankfully the majority of them were from VBS and I won't be posting those as they are not of my children and I just don't have time for a lawsuit :) So, hang with me...this may be a bit chaotic.
Now that Miller can sit up easily and roam around his crib, he often falls asleep in some unusual positions...
Sorry it's so blurry but there wasn't much light in the room and I wasn't going to dare try the flash. Maybe Miller will be a yoga instructor or something.
Miller is also getting himself into some precarious positions outside of his crib.
Luckily he can get himself out of them too.
I tried a new sewing pattern a couple of weeks ago and loved it! The only sad part is that it's a little too big but I can alter the pattern for the next one I make. I'm thinking about using the seersucker fabric I have left and making another outfit just like this one only smaller. Crazy I know, but I think it would be so cute for his one year pictures if it of course fit better. We'll see how crazy I get.

You'll also notice how well Miller is pulling up now {and how messy my sofa usually is}. He is doing so well pulling up and is having fewer spills. It won't be long before he's walking!
Alright, lots more to blog about but I feel like other events require posts of their own. Be back soon!