This past weekend I cashed in my Valentine's gift from Bryant which was one last trip for just the two of us before the baby comes. We had a difficult time deciding where to go since we didn't want to go too far {we could only squeeze in a weekend trip} and I didn't want to do much this far along in my pregnancy. We finally landed on Nashville based on the fact that they supposedly have a large Home Expo with lots of design ideas for building. After a little research we decided to stay here...
at the Hermitage Hotel. And boy am I glad we did. It. Was. Fabulous. It had such a rich, historical charm all while being the upscale kind of place where they make you feel like royalty. It was built in 1910 and there were little tidbits about the history of the hotel all over the place.
Check out the prices on this menu from 1913. Yep, it's in cents.
I'd highly recommend it if you're looking for a neat place to stay in Nashville. Shortly after our arrival we changed and headed downstairs for dinner at the Capitol Grille.
It was delicious. We're pretty sure there was some old, famous country star there because he was getting a lot of head turns and a lot of attention, but we never figured out who he was. After dinner, big momma {that's me} wanted to take full advantage of the amazing bathtub WITH a sweet little TV to watch. Dateline and a bubble bath. Ahhh...

The next day we ordered breakfast and headed out to the Home Expo. You know, the one we based our trip on. We thought we'd need a few hours there so we really didn't make other plans for the day. We were a little confused when we drove up to "Nashville's Largest Home Store" to what looked to be no larger than a Dollar Tree or so. We were even more confused when we got inside and there were only about three kitchens and three bathrooms on display. That was it. Other than that it was really just a store with flooring materials, granite, a few faucets, etc. and it wasn't much different from local stores we've visited other than the fact that you could buy multiple types of materials in one place. Bummer. We had a good laugh over it and after debating taking a tour of the stars' homes, drove back to our hotel {I'm sure the valet guy wondered why we only left for about an hour} and walked down to Broadway. We ate our way down the street, did a little shopping, and watched a few street performers.

That night we went to a restaurant that our waiter from the night before had recommended, Watermark.
It was delicious and had a really fun, modern atmosphere. Afterwards, we walked around a bit and took the scenic route home to take in a few sites. Let me just tell you, if you are from Nashville there are some absolutely beautiful places to get married. Just sayin'.
Sunday morning we ordered breakfast again in order to take full advantage of our royalty status :) I went down to the spa for a massage while Bryant packed our stuff and got us all checked out. The massage was wonderful for about 45 of the 60 minutes. For the last little bit of it, she had me lay on my back. I was confused, because you're not supposed to do that this far along in pregnancy, but she had previously told me how she had two small children and she seemed to no a lot about pregnancy ailments, etc. So I just thought she would incline the table or prop me up or something, but no. I should have just said something as soon as I realized that she was in fact going to have me lay flat on my back for an extended period of time, but the people pleaser in me couldn't bring myself to say anything for some reason. That is until I thought to myself, "If I don't say something soon I'm either going to pass out on her table or throw up on her. Probably less awkward to just say something." She put a pillow under my head thinking that would help, but I finally just sat straight up and said, "Sorry, I just can't lay like that." She told me that I had about two more minutes of my massage, but I told her that we could go ahead and wrap things up. I felt so bad for some reason and I could tell she felt really bad too. Oh well.
After I got dressed I met Bryant in the Lobby and we loaded up to go home. We took our time getting home stopping at Target and J. Alexander's on the way. We missed the little man like crazy, but it really was so rejuvenating to just get away and have some time together. It also gave us some time to focus and finally decide on a name for this sweet baby boy. So, if you've made it this far you deserve to be the first to know ;) {Well, after our family members of course.} Baby boy will be known as...
Jacob Paul Mastin
We will call him Jacob. Paul was my grandfather's name and my dad's first name so we thought we'd name this baby after someone from my family since Miller has his daddy's name {"Bryant", which is also a Mastin family name from way back when}. I'm so glad to actually be able to call him something now and it makes it feel even more real. I can't believe Jacob will be here in about two months! Crazy.