
Four Months Old

Miller is four months old today! It is amazing to watch how much he is changing everyday. Here are a few of his "tricks":
I can almost roll over from my back to my tummy.
I'm getting better at finding my hands when I'm upset. Mommy really likes this because she doesn't have to come in and give me my paci as much anymore. It comes in handy in the car too. (No pun intended). I wonder if she'll like it when I'm two and sucking my thumb?I can spin around on my playmat to look at different toys and I'm figuring out that I can use my feet to hit them. (By the way. Pay no attention to my PJs and mismatched socks - it's laundry day :)I can sit up in my Bumbo seat all by myself.
Now if only I could figure out how to tell this lady she kisses me too much?

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