
Thanksgiving Program & Big Boy Bed

Last week Miller's Preschool had their annual Thanksgiving Program.  Miller was so excited about it and practiced the words to the songs at home for about a week beforehand.  When it was showtime though, he was having too much fun looking at everyone's costumes to sing.  He did at least stand there and smile most of the time.  Occasionally he let out a few lyrics, but very shyly.  He had quite the fan club to cheer him on...
Our three year old turkey
We were hoping to get a few pictures afterwords, but he was having none of it.

In other news, we finally moved Miller from his crib into a twin bed. He recently climbed out twice and one of the times he busted his nose in the process, so we decided it was time.  I was terrified of making this transition, but he has done really well.  He's had to get a few spankings in order to learn to stay in his bed, but it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be.  Here's his big boy bed ready and waiting!

This change also means that Jacob finally has a crib to sleep in instead of the pack-n-play.  He didn't even seem to notice when we switched it on him.  We were going to just wait to move it when we actually move, but the completion date on our house has been bumped back so we decided to go ahead and move it to his room since it will be a while.  Be back soon with his six month post if I can ever remember to get a picture of him in the chair!

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