

My sweet baby boy turned two today and we had so much fun celebrating all day long.  I have a feeling this post is going to pretty long, so I'll be postponing my normal developmental updates until a later post.  For now, I want to document this special day.  When I woke up this morning, I reminded myself that this will be the only second birthday this little boy has and I am lucky enough to share it with him.  This day wasn't going to be wasted on laundry or chores.  We started out with a round of "Happy Birthday" and a candle in a muffin for breakfast. 
After playing "baketball shoot" and "baseball bayoon" (that would be hitting a balloon with a little baseball bat), we ran a few errands and visited Nana at work.  We were a little early for our lunch date, so I decided to go through a quick car wash.  Big mistake.  Miller was traumatized.  I really didn't even think about how scary that would be to a toddler.  My bad.  Thankfully, as soon as we came out of it he was fine.  From there we met Kendall, Hunter, Hays, and a few other friends at Chick-fil-a.  Can I just give a quick shout-out to Chick-fil-a?  That is the best place to take toddlers out to eat, in my opinion.  The food is slightly more nutritious, everything is always so clean, they have tons of highchairs which are always equipped with plastic place mats, and they have a great indoor play center.  Sold.  We had five toddlers and five adults, so we were quite a sight.  Thankfully all of the little ones were well behaved and we didn't cause too much of a scene.  Unfortunately, I didn't get a group shot and all of the pictures I got of Miller playing looked like this...
After nap, we went outside to see his birthday present.  He was so sweet and so excited!


We only lasted about twenty minutes out there though since it was about 100 degrees today.  Miller requested "Cars" which I willingly obliged to as a good way to cool off a little.  Miller actually watched it for about 45 minutes, which is a record for him.  He might have lasted longer, but Daddy got home and playing with him is much more fun.

After dinner we celebrated with another round of "Happy Birthday" and cupcakes.  
Miller Man, you have rocked my world baby.  In such an incredible way.  I am so so BLESSED to be your mother and I'm so thankful for these past two years.  It doesn't seem possible that two years have passed since I looked into those baby blues for the first time.  You are growing into such a sweet,  fun, smart, laid-back little boy and watching you grow and learn is honestly the most amazing thing I've ever witnessed.  If ever I doubt our loving Creator, all it takes is one look at you.  I love you more than words could say.  Happy, happy birthday Mill Mill!

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