
38 Weeks

I feel like I have totally dropped the ball as far as documenting this pregnancy goes.  Hopefully I'll be much better at keeping up with Jacob's development when he gets here!

I am 38 weeks and 2 days pregnant today {but who's counting, right?}  Here's a baby bump picture to prove it.
Miller was born twelve days early and we passed that mark today.  I must admit, I've had it in the back of my mind that Jacob would be here any day.  I went to the doctor today and, sadly, I haven't made much progress yet.  I'm only about 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated {which I've been for the last three weeks}.  He has dropped a little since last week though.  He could always surprise us, but it looks like I'll be making it to 39 weeks at least.  I'm trying to remind myself to enjoy the last few days/weeks of this pregnancy as it could be the last one I experience.  I don't KNOW if it will be, it's just that you never know and I am thankful to have experienced this twice.  That being said, I sure am uncomfortable and ready to hold sweet Jacob :)

Miller seems excited about Jacob's arrival, but I think he also has a premonition that mommy is about to have to be shared.  He has always been a daddy's boy.  Always.  That is until about three weeks ago.  Now he does not want Bryant to do anything and he wants me to do EVERYTHING.  He throws a serious tantrum when Bryant does something and he wants me.  We're not exactly sure how to handle this, but we're just trying to stick to what we've always done and both take turns helping him do things even if he kicks and screams.  Anyone else experienced this?  Advice?

I have my camera packed in my hospital bag and I refuse to take it out for fear of leaving it whenever I go into labor.  So, here's a few recent iPhone snapshots of Miller so you don't forget what he looks like.
The grocery store we go to now that we moved has this carousel outside.  Miller spotted it right away.  It did make for a good bribe incentive as we shopped, but I was hoping he wouldn't realize it was supposed to do anything.  He did.  Looks like I'll need to keep some quarters handy when we go each week.
Bryant took Miller to one of his construction sites on a Saturday.  Needless to say, he loved it.

Worn out from playing with Poppy while I went to my doctor's appointment and ran a few errands.

Here's hoping that the next news I bring is of Jacob's arrival!


  1. If it makes you feel any better both of my boys dropped at the last minute before labor and were easier to push out!

  2. My oldest has ALWAYS preferred me, and we made it worse for a long time by giving in. I agree, just take turns and let him scream. One of my best friends has #2 last year and her kid immediately switched loyalties to Daddy, but he was 2, not 3.
