
House Update 2

While we've been busy adjusting to life with two kids, our builder and his crew have been hard at work on our house!  A few days before we had Jacob we went by the house and they were completing the foundation and the safe room/pantry.
We've been by to check on things a few times since Jacob was born and when we went today this was the progress:
The first floor framing is finished and the upstairs framing is almost complete.  So exciting!  I have decided that I have the worst spatial sense ever.  There have been countless times when I've looked at a room thinking it was tiny or that there was no way a bathtub would fit somewhere, etc only to have Bryant measure and find out I am completely wrong.  I thought our garage was crazy small until we went today and the framing was up.  It looks much more spacious now.  You'd think walls would make it look smaller?  Oh well.  It's a good thing I'm not a builder :)

It is coming together quite nicely and I have been so glad that we made most of our decisions about materials, colors, etc before Jacob was born.  I'd be going crazy right now if I was having to find time to pick everything out.  I can't wait to see what's next!

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