
Mother's Day Out

Miller started Mother's Day Out this week!  He goes two days a week from 8:30-12:00.  His teacher is so sweet and I think it will be really good for him to have a little interaction with other children.  Plus, if I'm being honest, Mommy likey :)  I actually got to run errands on Tuesday without having to work around nap times, meals, and car seat shenanigans.  I also went to the chiropractor and got to read a magazine while I waited.  I know.  It's the little things.  In September, I'm going to use the time go to a ladies Bible Study and I am soooo looking forward to it.   As much as I enjoyed my time, I was definitely ready to pick my baby up!!  When I buckled him in his car seat I noticed that his sweet little hands were covered with marker and discovered that he had created his first piece of art.  So precious.

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