
The Twelve Days of Christmas

Being a stay at home mom of a toddler, I have limited interaction with adults which leads to lots of "think time" and sometimes the need to entertain yourself a little.  As I was baking banana bread the other day and trying to drown out the incessant crying I heard coming from Miller's room {we're having nap issues}, my mind kept repeating "three loaves of bread, two pairs of pants, and one nap protesting screaming baby!!!!!!!"  So, to distract myself from watching the clock as Miller cried, I decided to go with it.  Without further ado give you my rendition of my first twelve(ish) days of December...

By the twelfth day of Christmas I saw around me...

Twelve strands of lights
Eleven bows tied
Ten presents wrapped

Nine chapters read

Eight towels appliqued*

Seven loads of laundry

Six medicine doses

Four wreaths hung

Three loaves of bread

Two pairs of pants
And one nap protesting screaming baby!!!**

*I know that's not a great picture of the towels I appliqued, but they're gifts for people who may or may not read this blog.  I'd hate to ruin their surprise!
**It should be noted that A) I do not normally make my child nap in a sweater, but he fell asleep in the car and I had to transfer him with as little disturbance as possible.  B) It should also be noted that as soon as I snapped this picture he went from the exorcist baby to this...
I think the "crying it out" is probably scarring me more than him.

I hope your first twelve days of December have been as perfect interesting as ours!


  1. Love this!!!!! The nap picture is hilarious!

  2. You are hilarious! I love your 12 Days of Christmas. I can definitely relate to your medicine right now. And the "crying it out" was soooo tough! It worked for my first one but it took #2 about 7 years to sleep all night! He won that battle! Good luck!

  3. That is too cute Whitney! The nap thing will pass by the time he is a teenager! Then you can't get them up!

  4. Any reason for TWO pairs of pants??? One looks SMALLER than the other in the picture.

  5. Alyssa - I made Hunter and Hays pants for their birthday outfits. Hays is a tiny little thing! I see what you're insinuating though - haha! NO!

  6. You have been a busy momma! Love the song!
