Here's our latest happenings in a quick rundown since I have about ten piles of laundry to catch up on...
On Monday after we got back from the beach, Miller and I went to Birmingham for a quick trip. Got to spend a little time with my dad, Cindy, and several friends. Poor Cindy was in the hospital with an irregular heartbeat {not sure of the official term as I am getting most of my info from a man - my dad}. She is home and doing better now. We are praying for her meds to work well so there will be no need for surgery. Dad got Miller this hat, which looks pretty dang cute on him even though it isn't my team.
On Tuesday we got to go to lunch with Hannah, Sam, Jessica, Evelyn, Katie, and Maggee. These lunches these days are hysterical, chaotic, loud, messy but mostly just fun. We have planned a kid-free girls night at Ross Bridge in a few weeks and we CANNOT wait to actually hear complete stories, eat a meal without feeding someone else, and sleep as late as we want. Get. Here. Faster. Of course I didn't get a picture because things were so crazy, but I promise everyone was cute, adorable, and gorgeous :)
On a sad note, I have determined that the time has come for me to wean Miller. My milk supply is very low and despite my efforts to improve it it ain't budgin. So, on Wednesday I dropped one feeding and we'll go from there. I had hoped to nurse Miller until he was a year old, so I wasn't really mentally prepared for this. The way I see it though, it would take some intense efforts over several weeks to get my milk supply where he needs it and then it would only be a few weeks before I'd start the weaning process anyway. I'm trying to focus on the positives like being able wear dresses this summer, not having to pack a pump everywhere we go, being able to truly sleep in occasionally since I'm not providing "breakfast", and lets not forget the joy I'll feel when I can pack away those lovely nursing bras. However, I am saddened to know that this chapter in my relationship with Miller is ending and it's just another indication of how quickly Miller is turning from baby to toddler. Sniffle.
Also, we have started finding Miller in his bed like this.
For a day or two we thought he couldn't figure out how to lay back down so I'd go help him, but we soon discovered that he would plop face forward {bent over his legs} in exhaustion. It doesn't look too comfy so sometimes I still go adjust him a little so he doesn't sleep like that for long.
Time to take down the mobile! You've served us well.
Lastly, Miller is starting to pull up on things. I have seen him pull himself all the way up but I'm never fast enough with the camera since it doesn't last long. Here's the best I've been able to do...
Sorry for the chaotic and random post, but that's life I guess!
Beach Trip
Hello! It's been a while since I've blogged so you might want to grab a snack because this will be a long post. Sorry we've been away, but we have been enjoying ourselves in Orange Beach for the last week or so. Tough job, but somebody's gotta do it ;) Last Wednesday we packed all the essentials...
{the backseat was almost full too} and prepared ourselves for a long drive with the little man. Much to our delight, Miller did great in the car and it only took us about six hours {which was better than we were expecting}. The journey did however confirm to us that we will one day want a car with a DVD player in it. I know. We're Spoiled with a capital "S". Miller doesn't watch TV at home, but I did prepare a "survival kit" for the car which included my laptop and a Praise Baby DVD. At one of our worst moments on the drive I popped that baby in and Miller LOVED it... for about three minutes. That's when he discovered the keyboard on my laptop. So... that didn't last too long, but it definitely made us see how peaceful a long drive could be if you throw in a movie here or there. However, as I said, Miller really did do well considering what a long trip that is in a rear-facing car seat {probably not too exciting to stare at a headrest for six hours}.
We had a wonderful time with Bryant's family and couldn't have asked for better weather. Miller had a little trouble adjusting to a new place at first. Sleep didn't come easily for this little one. King Miller won the battle of the bedroom and we moved to the sofa bed around midnight the first night we were there. He just couldn't understand why we were in there with him, but it wasn't time to get up. Once we waved the white flag and moved out it was sweet dreams for everyone {including all of the Mastins and the neighboring condos who probably appreciated our move as well}. I don't think it helped that he is either getting a tooth or had a bit of a cold - I'm not sure which.
We took Miller to the beach one day, but he wasn't too crazy about sinking in the sand when he was trying to crawl. He did fine for about an hour or so and then he was ready to head in. He sure was one cute beach babe though.
The next day we tried the pool and it was definitely more of a success. It is so funny to watch Miller try new things. Whenever he's in an unfamiliar situation {i.e. the swimming pool} he is so serious and somber. It takes him a while to get comfortable and start playing and getting into it.
This was hysterical. We put Miller in this float and he laid back so relaxed looking and then calmly started clapping his hands as if it say, "Yea, this is the life!"
It was so much fun to get out of town for a while. Bryant and I had lots of time to just hang out together which was great also {courtesy of our babysitters, Nana and Papa Frank}.
Overall it was such a fun, memorable trip and we'll treasure the memories. Thanks Nana and Papa Frank!
Pediatrician Visit
I took Miller to his nine month check-up today. Right now he weighs 19 pounds {22%} and is 28 inches long {33%}. He has hit all of the developmental milestones he should and we praise God for his good health! The only negative aspect of the appointment was that Dr. Chupp wants me to supplement with formula after each feeding. Miller is eating lots of solids and is having no trouble gaining weight, but I mentioned to him that I only seem to be producing about 12 ounces of milk a day {from my best estimate}. Dr. Chupp said that amount needs to be in the twenties. So, for now I'm adding about two or three ounces after I nurse him. I am torn between going ahead and weening Miller or possibly working to increase my milk supply. I don't think I'll nurse and give formula for long since it's double the work. Also, we let Miller try some scrambled eggs on Saturday and sadly discovered that he is allergic to them right now. Hopefully, he'll outgrow this allergy soon. It was pitiful to see his face splotchy and swollen, but we were thankful that it wasn't severe enough to cause any breathing difficulty.
I'll leave you with a glimpse of our "messy" mealtimes...
Bon appetit!
Mother's Day Weekend
Hello everyone. Happy Mother's Day to those of you who carry the sacred name, "Mama". I had an absolutely wonderful first Mother's Day and couldn't have enjoyed it more. I got to sleep in, enjoy some time in the sun, have a delicious lunch with family, and I think I only changed one diaper all day. The only thing I would change is I would take a picture with my baby boy. I just realized that we didn't take a single picture today, but I guess I shouldn't wake him up just for that. I did however get a few pictures this weekend, which we spent on beautiful Lake Martin with Gran, Pop, Brad and Lauren. On Friday night we went to Maestro in Auburn to celebrate John's birthday.
To those of you who live in the area, I highly recommend it. They even accomadated us with Miller in a private room. The restaurant itself is absolutely gorgeous and the food was delicious. Miller hung in there like a champ even though we kept him up way past his bedtime.
On Saturday Brad and Lauren came out to the lake and brought their kids dogs, Abby and Liza Jane. Miller LOVED them and spent about thirty minutes chasing them around the kitchen. Abby was not too thrilled, but Liza Jane seemed to enjoy having someone her size to play with.
Hope you had a nice weekend too!
Nine Months Old
Miller turned nine months old on Sunday. As you can see it is getting more and more difficult to take his monthly picture in his chair...
He kept trying to leap off of the chair to get my camera and this was the best I could do as I tried to push him back into the chair. I'll attempt a better picture in the next few days. I may have to wait until back-up gets home one afternoon.
Miller is learning and trying new things everyday which makes life fun and exciting! He is eating {aka trying to get in his mouth and dropping half in his lap} all kinds of finger foods although most of the time he'd rather me just shovel it in. The boy. Can. Eat. He is getting faster and faster at crawling and roams around our kitchen and den most of the day. When he wants you to hold him, he'll crawl up to your feet and flap his arms until you pick him up. Miller is also babbling a lot and can make the sounds da-da, ma-ma, and ba-ba but he isn't associating them with us or any objects yet. He does however have an extreme fascination with fans and will locate one whenever you walk into a room or if you ask him where it is. I had just asked him where the fan was in this picture...
We'll go to the doctor next Tuesday for his nine month check-up. I'm anxious to see how much he's grown! I'll be back...
Happy nine month birthday, sweet boy!
Sew Busy
Lame I know, but I couldn't resist the pun. Since my first attempt at an outfit for Miller I've sewn two more. For my first solo project I used my least favorite fabric {just in case} and voila...
It's still a little big on Miller which is why he's not modeling it for me {which I'm sure he loves}. From here I decided to adjust the pattern a bit since Miller is tall and skinny {as you may recall being documented by a medical professional}. I also decided to try my first applique. I was surprised by how much easier this was than I thought it would be. This is by far my favorite outfit I've made.
I've really enjoyed learning how to sew. It is so rewarding to create something unique {and cheap!} for your child. Now that I've got this pattern down I'll be venturing into some new ones for a little variety. Now if only I could sew clothes for myself; I'd really save some money!
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