
The Name Game

Yesterday we pulled out our book of faces we know to give us some inspiration for the "Choo Choo Song" {a little tune where you name people you are going to visit}.  I was shocked by how much better Miller is with names than he was just a few weeks ago.  I thought I'd try to capture the names on video to share, which is easier said than done.  For example, here's how the last video session turned out when I tried to get Miller to say, "I don't know."

For this session I decided to try trapping him in his high chair with a few crackers.  Not an excellent lesson in the whole don't-talk-with-your-mouth-full principle, but oh well.


  1. AW! That mouthful of crackers was cracking me up.
    He really is SO smart!

  2. Sooo smart!!! Loves those snacks!

  3. That first video is cracking me up! and I am SO impressed with Betty Jo!? Double name what?? Love you Miller Man! ~ Baby Momma

  4. I agree with Kate! Betty Jo?! Are you kidding me?? I have got to show this to Will ASAP!
    kitty cat(apparently!)

  5. I am super impressed! Cameron still calls me "Dad" and most everyone else is "dad" too!

  6. oh my gosh, i LOVED both of those videos! the first one was just plain funny. "no mom, i'm not playing your talking game." and the second one was great!! he's SO smart!

  7. AWW! Miller is so cute and really really smart!
